I love your writing! I'm really going to try a prompt some time soon. (Also I did love your medieval gift guide. Adding "tiny silver cup" in very small cursive at the bottom of my Christmas list.)
Thank you so much, this is kind :*) and it would be a treat to read a freewrite from you soon.
More than anything, I hope you get that baby cup. If you do, please report back on how hot it gets with a steaming cortado in there. I'm sadly not above scalding my hands for the aesthetic... so I'll probably add to cart regardless.
I love your writing! I'm really going to try a prompt some time soon. (Also I did love your medieval gift guide. Adding "tiny silver cup" in very small cursive at the bottom of my Christmas list.)
Thank you so much, this is kind :*) and it would be a treat to read a freewrite from you soon.
More than anything, I hope you get that baby cup. If you do, please report back on how hot it gets with a steaming cortado in there. I'm sadly not above scalding my hands for the aesthetic... so I'll probably add to cart regardless.